
Showing posts from July, 2014

50 Years of Canyonlands Challenge Quilts

 Sego Lily by Lou Gostlin Ravin' Ravens by Nancy Krieger  Many Moods of Canyonlands by Audrey Graham Sunrise at Mesa Arch by Laura Senter Wild Horses by Laura Senter  Reflections by Carol Unruh   Canyonlands by Joanie Henning  False Kiva by Joey Wilson Ghosts From the Past by Bonnie Crysdale A Good Man in a Tough Job by Audrey Graham Ranger Paradise by Audrey Graham Bates Wilson by Marian Eason  50 Years at Green River Overlook by Murine Gray Cuckoo Neighbor by Murine Gray Owl on the Prowl by Cyndy Peters  Canyonlands Air Show by Lee Shenton  Dream Catcher by Shauna Dickerson Collared Lizard by Patty Walker  Many Faces of Canyonlands by Patty Jo Larson The Magic Hour by Marian Eason Vistas by Patti Jarrell Flowers to Towers by Peg Harty


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