Show and Tell 3-12-24
This was the exciting meeting following our " Quilting in the Red Rocks Quilt Show," where the winning ticket of the Op portunity Quilt is drawn and the winners of People Choice Awards are announced. *Click on the link below or go to "Quilting in the Red Rocks" Link on our home page to see many pictures from that quilt show. Quilting in the Red Rocks Quilt Show Everyone visiting got to vote for their favorite quilts in 3 size categories: small, medium, and large and their pick for Best of Show. And the winners are: In the small category: Marian Eason won 1st place for "Boys on the Block" and 2nd place for her "Moonflower Morn." Peggy Harty won 3rd place with her "Heaven and Earth" Quilt.. (Deb Slechta is holding Peg's quilt.) In the Medium Category: Kim Knowles took 1st with "There is Beauty All Around." Pat Byrd took 2nd with "The Potting Bench" Crystal Day took 3rd with her "R...